What happens when dance and music enter into communion? There are many possible answers to this apparently simple question, which can mostly be felt through shared experiences. A dancer, choreographer, musician and DJ, Isabelle Clarençon aka Mab’ish opens up a playground here that allows an exploration of different flows of relationships that emerge in a moment of collective communion. The space is like a creative whirlwind since the dancers also produce sound, the DJ moves, and the presence of a piano and video projections are added to elements that regenerate and feed into this cosmic circle of continually lively energy. By navigating both choreographic and musical references from soul, house and jazz, Mab’ish presents us with a collection of material that eases our way as we move along a path of shared experience..
Création 2024 / Direction artistique, musique, concept, interprétation : Isabelle Clarençon (Mab‘ish) / Œil extérieur, mise en scène : Inès Mauricio / Danseuses et co-chorégraphes : Yohana Mehretab, Clémentine Nirennold, Kristina Kunn, Jihene Slimani / Lumière : Esteban Loirat / Costume miroir : Gwendolyn Boudon / Ingénieur son : Simon Gendrot / Production et diffusion : Léa Simon Thomas
Production : Compagnie Isabelle Clarençon et Association Oswèla / Coproduction : IADU Initiatives d’Artistes en Danses Urbaines, La Villette, Fondation de France / Soutien : Région Île-de-France
À l’achat d’un spectacle, accès gratuit au Battle du dimanche 2 fév. uniquement sur réservation pour les 100 premier·ère·s inscrit·e·s. : ticket@charleroi-danse.be
After show : DJ Set de Fatoo Sow après la représentation