
“We’re not here to hate the vessel we’re born into and that we use to navigate this world. Life is too short for that.” Confronted with the imperatives punctuating her own life and those of many others, Meytal Blanaru responds with resolve, but without fudging any questions that might arise. Dark Horse is imbued with the act of listening to the body in all its dimensions, something taught by this dancer and choreographer who is fascinated by movement as a tool of transformation. It is a tool she uses here to examine aesthetic canons, the devaluation applied to our own bodies, and the gaze that we direct at other people’s bodies.


The simple set and lighting ensure that the whole space is available for the sound and for her presence, her naked torso, her painted chest. Like a filter, a mask, but like an X-ray too, positioning the audience on both sides of the epidermis. Scanning, segmentation, oscillation and undulation inhabit the body-vessel that has been with her throughout out her life, in a brief, sober and intense celebration.

Les Écuries

Création 2023 / Création et performance : Mey­tal Blanaru / Musique : Ben­jamin Sauzereau / Dramaturgie : Ido Batash, Olivi­er Hespel / Lumière : François Bodeux / Pro­duc­tion, com­mu­ni­ca­tion et diffusion : Kathe­ri­na Vasiliadis


Production : Fathom High Asbl / Copro­duc­tion : Charleroi danse, Les Brigit­tines, Studio Thor, POLE-SUD CDCN Strasbourg

Pour les soirées composées, à l’achat d’une place pour l’une des représentations, vous bénéficiez d’un tarif préférentiel de 5 euros pour le second spectacle. Deux fois plus de plaisir à un prix toujours accessible ! Veuillez adresser votre demande à ticket@charleroi-danse.be

Présenté dans le cadre de Femmes de Mars

Soirée composée avec


Sous le volcan

Leslie Mannès
Les Écuries

Apéro danse

Les Écuries