From Molenbeek’s Place Communale to the Quartier Maritime, via locations such as Rue de Manchester, the canal and Parc de Ninove, MolenFest is inviting artists, arts centres, associations, young people and residents to meet up and enjoy artistic propositions in a spirit of openness and generosity. 

This event, which combines the dynamism of the local area and of Brussels, involves a number of partners including the Molenbeek community arts centre, KANAL, CinéMaximiliaan, Kaaitheater, Recyclart, the Circus School, Vaartkapoen and Decoratelier. 

As part of its eclectic, full-on programme, Charleroi danse is offering a show for young audiences called Troisième miNiature by our associate artists Demestri+Lefeuvre, the carnival-like performance Beste Cantate by La Drache, a concert by our Chorale au Sucre masterminded by Gaël Santisteva, Milan Emmanuel’s new creation Winners? preceded by a battle, and Bal Amical·e, a project by the choreographer Andrew Graham / laGeste. 

It’s party time!



Ven 13 sep. 19:00 @K1
Beste Cantate 
Juliette Chevalier / La Drache

Sam 14 sep. 14—22:00 @Place communale 
La Chorale au Sucre
Gaël Santisteva / Charleroi danse

Dim. 15 sep. 14:00 + 17:00 @UP - Circus & Performing Arts
Troisième miNiature

Sam 21 sep. 14—17:00 @La Grande Halle
Detours Quartier, Rencontre-battle

Sam 21 sep. 17:00 @La Raffinerie
Bal Amical·e
Andrew Graham / laGeste 

Sam 21 sep. 20:30 @La Raffinerie
Milan Emmanuel / Cie No Way Back