Can dance moves belong to someone? And if they can, who actually profits? Jeremy Nedd seizes on these questions, taking as his starting point the lawsuit filed by the rapper 2 Milly against a video games company, claiming copyright for a dance move (emote) resembling “The Milly Rock” sold on the online game Fortnite. The Brooklyn choreographer now based in Basel tackles the complex issue of dance copyright, updated to the era of internet dances going viral. Four performers reprise the short dance of nonchalant swaying in hoodies, creating a multiplicity of variations around this phrase. What poetry will emerge from these moves that flourish and circulate freely on social media?
Création 2023 / Concept, chorégraphie : Jeremy Nedd / Interprétation : Brandy Butler, Nasheeka Nedsreal, Zen Jefferson, Jeremy Guyton, Jeremy Nedd / Technical management & lighting design : Sebastian Sommer / Stage design : Laura Knüsel, Jeremy Nedd / Sound design : Fabrizio Di Salvo, Rej Deproc, Xzavier Stone / Dramaturgie : Anta Helena Recke / Assistant chorégraphique : Kihako Narisawa / Stage Touring : Leyla Gersbach / Production : Caroline Froelich | Moin Moin Productions / Diffusion : Arina Frölich | ART HAPPENS
Coproduction : Kaserne Basel, De Singel, DDD – Festival Dias da Dança, Gessnerallee, Les halles de Schaerbeek / Soutien : Fachausschuss Tanz & Theater BS/BL, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Jacqueline Spengler Stiftung
À l’achat d’un spectacle, accès gratuit au Battle du dimanche 2 fév. uniquement sur réservation pour les 100 premier·ère·s inscrit·e·s. :