Morning Dance Class 10:30 > 12:30

Creating an opening of body, heart and mind is the essential driving force of her pedagogy, allowing immersion in a creative state in presence and in action.   

She proposes a sensitive and dynamic awakening of the body, guided and inspired by sensory and traditional practices. It favors breathing in order to establish connections between the different energy centers and for the voice to take shape.
The body “in movement and in voice” will be the field of exploration of this laboratory. Discover individually and collectively a polyphonic and polyrhythmic dimension of the body.
Collaborating for ten years with the women's choir of Patshiva Cie, this laboratory is an opportunity to experiment with this material with dancers.

Eclectic and mixed artist, insatiable explorer of movement and sound, teacher, performer and choreographer, singer and musician, improviser, Fatou Traoré has been creating pieces that oscillate between writing and improvisation for the past twenty years. Live music is at the heart of his work, and the essential engine of his creative impulse.



10€ par cours
45€ par semaine

Les Workshops et Morning classes sont dorénavant payables sur place. Ils ne sont ni remboursables, ni échangeables. 
Il est vivement conseillé de s’inscrire préalablement via l’adresse
En cas d’absence 15 minutes avant le début de votre workshop ou morning class Charleroi danse se réserve le droit de libérer votre place et de la réattribuer.
Merci pour votre compréhension