“A simple dot on a white leaf becomes a line and a movement when my emotions are added to it,” says Ikue Nakagawa. Integrating her style of drawing into her dance, in 2022 the creator produced the fascinating plural solo TAMANEGI. The multiple being of which we are made is a common theme in her reflection, and it takes shape again in KUROKO, which comes from the name of the faceless character in the Kabuki tradition who has the role of stage assistant and puppeteer. Yet here with the dancer and choreographer, it becomes another self, a face among all the others we put on in everyday life. A being from the depths, a furtive silhouette chosen for a brief moment or deliberately ignored.
“The more I try to go into the depths of myself, the less sure I am of my own form.”
Shadow and light, superimpositions and everyday sounds shape this multi-layered piece that, thanks to Kuroko, reveals the hidden fears and efforts required just to exist in society.
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Création 2025 / Chorégraphie et interprétation : Ikue Nakagawa / Lumière : Ryoya Fudetani / Régie lumière : Matthieu Vergez / Scénographie : Camille Panza, Léonard Cornevin / Composition musicale : Patrick Belmont / Regards extérieurs : Lorenzo De Angelis, Taka Shamoto, Samolé Genès / Administration, production et diffusion : Charlotte Giteau, Anaïs Guilleminot | Météores
Production déléguée : la Balsamine / Production exécutive et diffusion : Météores / Coproduction : Charleroi danse, la Balsamine, Cndc Angers, Atelier de Paris CDCN, La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse/Occitanie, La Coop asbl, Shelter Prod / Soutien : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Grand Studio, Ad Lib’s Residencies, le BAMP, La Bellone, CWB Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles Paris, Materiais Diversos, Montpellier Danse (accueil en résidence), BNP Paribas, taxshelter.be, ING et Tax Shelter du Gouvernement fédéral belge.
© Ikue Nakagawa