
“Ni Ni Ya Mo Mo is the lullaby I grew up with. It's also the first thing I think of in connection with my Arab heritage. Here I'm not describing Morocco, I'm not depicting its culture, but I'm finally grasping the traces it has left me." Guilhem Chatir 

Based on this intimate and poetic memory shared with his father, Guilhem Chatir immerses us in the projections and fantasies born in the hollow of this voice. With his partners Karima El Amrani and Bilal El Had, he explores the rituals of falling asleep that accompany the slide into slumber. Halfway between infinite gentleness and dizzying intranquillity, between tangible reality and evanescent imagination, the performers deploy a hypnotic physical material, marked by chaos and instability. In a circular set-up, they re-enact together this state of tilting, of in-between worlds: dances inspired by a complex wealth of origins and by images that are revealed and then disappear, evoked and then consumed endlessly.


Choré­gra­phie, conception : Guil­hem Chatir / Interprétation : Kari­ma El Amrani, Bilal El Had, Guil­hem Chatir / Créa­tion sonore : Milan Van Doren / Création lumière : Suzan­na Bauer / Scénographie : Elfie Poiré / Col­lab­o­ra­tion artistique : Gaëlle Vatri­can / Dra­maturgie : Han­na El Fakir / Création cos­tumes : Manon Gondek / Pro­duc­tion, administration : Steven Cayras­so, Gaëlle Vatrican
Pro­duc­tion déléguée : Les Halles de Schaerbeek / Copro­duc­tion : Charleroi danse, Les Halles de Schaer­beek, Les Brigit­tines, Théâtre de Liège, Con­cert­ge­bouw Brugge, Les Subs — Lyon, La Coop asbl, Shel­ter Prod / Sou­tien : Fédération Wal­lonie Brux­elles — Ser­vice de la Danse, Wal­lonie Brux­elles International, taxshelter.be, ING et tax-shel­ter du Gou­verne­ment fédéral belge / Rési­dences : Charleroi danse, Les Halles de Schaer­beek, Les Brigit­tines, La Bri­que­terie CDCN — Vit­ry-sur-Seine dans le cadre des Résidences croisées Passerelles, le Cen­tqua­tre — Paris Quai 41, Les Subs — Lyon
Accessible sur invitation