Pièce pour 5 interprètes

How can a common language be found despite having taken distinctly different journeys? What are the limits of the freedom of bodies? The five individuals who appear on stage in this creation share similar, yet varying emotions, as if echoing in the Sanskrit term Sāmara and its two main meanings: “a place of war” and “walking with the gods”.

A hybrid artist herself whose universe encompasses the stage as much as digital art forms, sound and voice as much as movement, Lila Magnin sees in these meanings the dual essence of our world and its profound and chaotic contradictions as much as the essential question of what we will be leaving behind for future generations.

Through the power of the group, Sāmara (which is also the first name of someone dear to the choreographer) plays with the heat of anger and celebration.

Les Écuries
Navette depuis Bruxelles

Création et chorégraphie : Lila Magnin | les magnifiques / Assistante chorégraphe : Marie-Laure Lesage, Alessia Stracuzzi / Interprètes : Oumar Diallo, Marie-Laure Lesage, Lila Magnin, Matias Moura, Briana Ashley Stuart / Regards extérieurs : Annlydie Groenen, Thi Mai Nguyen, Stanley Ollivier, Claudia Bruno / Lumière : Florentin Crouzet-Nico / Musique : Gabriel Govea Ramos aka G.MASSA / Costumes : Ariane Livadiotis / Production exécutive et diffusion : Get Down-Dancers Management


Production déléguée : MARS – Mons Arts de la Scène / Coproduction : Charleroi danse, deSingel, la Balsamine, Brakke Grond, Théâtre de Liège / Soutien : le BAMP, Collectif FAIR-E – CCN de Rennes et de Bretagne, Le Jacques Franck – Centre culturel de St-Gilles, Grand Studio

Soirée composée avec


Spongebabe in L.A.

Mercedes Dassy
Les Écuries