
In Troisième Nature (2022), this creative duo removes any sense of narration or identification. Rather than a choreographic phrasing or a defined physicality, images follow one another, summoning the phenomenon of pareidolia at the whim of reflections that allows us to make out familiar shapes in visual (or auditory) stimuli. For Demestri+Lefeuvre, “it’s children, experts of the imagination, who manifest the kind of attention needed for this exercise in a natural and unrestrained way”. By slightly modifying the rhythm and the sound and light scores of the original piece, “and by allowing more recognisable forms and intentions to appear here and there”, the company has created a version for children aged 5 and upwards, inviting them to observe this “sensitive non-anatomical body” with its mirrored surface and embark with them on a “journey among the randomness of forms”.


Adaptation jeune public 2023 / Concept, chorégraphie, interprétation : Florencia Demestri, Samuel Lefeuvre / Création lumière : Nicolas Olivier / Musique : Raphaëlle Latini / Dramaturgie : Arnaud Timmermans / Régie générale : François Bodeux / Costumes : Vanessa Pinto, Natalia Fandiño / Administration : Emilie Parot
Production : LOG asbl / Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Les Brigittines, MARS – Mons Arts de la Scène, La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse/Occitanie / Soutien : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles / Aide : Grand Studio / Résidence : La Fabrique des Possibles, Les Marches de l’Été, Peeping Tom