
Their earlier creation Glitch (2019) explored the notion of creative anomaly. Here, their research is extended and expanded by the friction between the organic and the artificial, between the living and the inert. “How should we welcome and translate into our practice the complex dynamics disrupting our ecosystems now with its mixture of collapses, mutations and revivals?” By offering a new way of looking and feeling, the duo abolishes linearity, evades the need for identification, installs a landscape with contours that are as heightened as they are uncertain. Surrounded by the audience – inside and outside the theatre – a metallic mass comes alive and throws reflections. Horizontal and vertical, whole and dividing, material, light, sound, movement: the indeterminate being directed by Demestri+Lefeuvre absorbs the processes in the performance to be on intimate terms with the mysteries, dead ends and vertiginous poetry of the universe.


Création 2022 / Concept, chorégraphie et interprétation : Florencia Demestri & Samuel Lefeuvre / Création lumière : Nicolas Olivier / Musique : Raphaëlle Latini
 / Dramaturgie : Arnaud Timmermans / Régie générale : François Bodeux / Costumes : Vanessa Pinto, Natalia Fandiño / Production, administration et diffusion : France Morin, Anna Six et Cécile Perrichon | ama brussels / Administration : Emilie Parot

Production : LOG asbl / Coproduction : Charleroi danse, Les Brigittines, MARS – Mons Arts de la Scène, La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse/Occitanie / Soutien : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles / Aide : Grand Studio / Résidence : La Fabrique des Possibles, Les Marches de l’Été, Peeping Tom