
Battles in which competitors show off their skills are an integral part of hip-hop. So too are victory and defeat. Bringing together the winners of the latest Detours Cyphers, Winners? questions what pushes the performers to compete. A kaleidoscopic narrative is sketched out in a blend of urban dance and theatre, highlighting the underlying individual stories and the vulnerabilities eclipsed by sheer determination.

Making use of his own experience of breakdance, Milan Emmanuel weaves a tapestry of dreams and dead ends, fragility and tenacity. “I want to highlight the processes that drive these champions,” he says, probing the dynamics of victory and failure that can be found in society as a whole.




Direction artistique : Milan Emmanuel / Assistante chorégraphe : Victoria Jakont / Scénographie : Peter Maschke / Musique : DJ Cali / Création lumière : Sasha Delhaye / Regard jeu d'acteur : Juan Bernardo Martinez / Danseur·euse·s: Carla Parcianello, Krees Sama, Benjamin Paget, Maxim Phommaxay, Finn Van Drenth, Abril Nadal 


Production: Cie No Way Back / Coproduction: Charleroi danse, Espace Magh

+ Détours Quartier, Rencontre-battle