Pièce pour 2 danseuses et 1 pianiste

“ Each movement is inhabited by other movements upon which it is based. ” In the same way, our imaginations travel, converse, settle and go on their way. From the history of dance (which she teaches) to its horizons (which she explores), Marian del Valle invites us into a shifting landscape. Inherited from the pioneers of ‘nouvelle danse’, welcomed and extended, these Danses en dormance spring into existence from the recurrent motifs of choreographic history: flight or wandering, war or seduction...

The survival of emotions and gestures that connect us to life establishes the continuity and vitality of an art that persists, and here is brought – from ricochets to spatio-temporal human migrations – to the attention of a broader public. Like a history lesson which – permeated with grace, living poetry, reminiscences, familiar notes, and powerful imagery – is directed straight to the heart.

La Raffinerie - Mezzanine
No booking

Création 2021 / Chorégraphie, textes, danse : Marian del Valle / Danseuse invitée : Kali Muhirwa / Piano : Céline Azizieh / Musique : Maurice Ravel, Luciano Berio, Alexander Scriabine, Dimitri Wiatowitsch, Leo Janacek, Kurt Weill / Scénographie : Marian del Valle / Costumes : Marian del Valle, Sophie Regali / Assistante artistique : Barbara Manzetti / Regard extérieur : Antía Diaz Otero / Coach texte : Andréa Bardos / Création lumière et régie: Gaspard Samyn 

Production : Cie Marian del Valle Andanada asbl / Coproduction : Charleroi danse / Aide : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la danse, La Bellone / Remerciements : Deutsches Tanzarchiv Köln

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