Two toreros, two brightly-coloured suitcases and some electric cables arranged in a circle. An incongruous scene. This however is the setting for Marco Berrettini’s play El Adaptador. Known as a disco champion and for his irreverent revelry, the Italian choreographer has been a prominent artist on the French contemporary scene since he arrived in the late 1980s. With El Adaptador, he deploys hesitation and awkwardness to reveal his malaise as a boomer in today’s society. On stage with Nastassja Tanner, he presents a stream of ridiculous wordplay and hostile interactions. Taking as a metaphor the tension inherent in bullfights, this play delights in skimming over a multitude of social issues, without ever plunging into any of them. A sort of anti-discussion, making generational conflict palpable.
Création 2024 / Chorégraphie : Marco Berrettini en collaboration avec Milena Keller / Interprétation : Nastassja Tanner et Marco Berrettini / Scénographie : *Melk Prod. / Lumières : Bruno Faucher / Musique : Milena Keller, Marco Berrettini en collaboration avec Samuel Pajand/ Costumes et accessoires : Severine Besson/ Aide à la réalisation costume : Laurence Stenzin / Remerciements : Samuel Vez, David Schafer, François Ségallou, Frank Capra, MottattoM / Administration et production : Régine Auer/ Diffusion : Alessandra Simeoni
Production : *Melk Prod./ Coproduction : Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Le Grütli – Centre de production et de diffusion des Arts vivants / Soutien : Pro Helvetia, ville de Genève, canton de Genève