
Of the six silhouettes on stage, only one of them moves spontaneously. Ikue Nakagawa is the daughter, mother, wife and sister in this figurative clan whose inert members take up their position thanks to her action alone. She moves, positions, supervises, comforts, cares. And the only answer she gets is these serene faces, these empty looks. The mourning evoked by the dancer and choreographer in TAMANEGI reveals its layers as she composes the tableaux. Family dynamics – the alliances, presences, powers, submissions, the implacable absence, traces – are sketched out in this piece based on the artist’s own drawings. As strange as they are familiar, with infinite finesse the poses translate the beauty and fragility of sorrow, of connection, of care. Family and flaws at the heart of a work as visual as it is choreographic, full of reserve and generosity.


Création 2022 / Conception, chorégraphie et interprétation : Ikue Nakagawa
 / Collaboration dramaturgie : Lorenzo De Angelis
 / Lumières : Octavio Mas
 / Construction scénographie : Val Macé / Musique : Patrick Belmont
 / Regard extérieur : Masako Hattori
 / Conseil en technique marionnettique : Noemie Vincart

​Production à la création : AMA Arts Management Agency – France Morin, Cécile Perrichon et Anna Six
Coproduction : Les Brigittines (Bruxelles, Be), Charleroi danse – centre chorégraphique de Wallonie-Bruxelles (Be), C-TAKT (Genk, Be), Le Vivat ‒ Scène conventionnée d’Armentières (Fr), La Place de la Danse ‒ CDCN Toulouse/Occitanie (Fr)
Aide : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – service de la danse
Soutien : BAMP (Bruxelles, Be), La Bellone (Bruxelles, Be), La Briqueterie – CDCN Val-de-Marne (Vitry-sur-Seine, Fr), Centre Chorégraphique National de Roubaix/Ballet du Nord (Fr)
Ce projet est en compagnonnage avec Le BAMP.
Remerciements : Taka Shamoto, Benoît Priels


© Nine Nouvel

Une co-présentation la Balsamine et Charleroi danse