How would humanity survive if we all became blind ?
The Italian choreographer Virgilio Sieni, known for his fascinating visual theatre, brings to the stage in Cecità a post-apocalyptic world in which a virus has destroyed the sight of most of the earth’s population. A semi-transparent gauze, materializing the fourth wall, veils the silhouettes of six performers as they move through a milky white stage set. Lost at first, and suffering from a new vulnerability that prevents it from getting to grips with its environment, the group is then forced to embrace new sensory capacities. What spaces are revealed by this new perceptual cartography ? How can community be built under these conditions ? These individuals must rely on touch and hearing, bringing into existence different ways of moving and interacting with the others. An attempt also to re-engage with ancestral survival techniques ?
Loosely based on the novel Blindness (Ensaio sobre a cegueira, 1995) by the Portuguese writer and Nobel Prize winner for Literature José Saramago.
"I don’t think we did go blind, I think we are blind, Blind but seeing, Blind people who can see, but do not see."
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Création 2023 / Concept, chorégraphie, scénographie : Virgile Sieni / Interprètes : Jari Boldrini, Claudia Caldarano, Maurizio Giunti, Lisa Mariani, Andrea Palumbo, Emanuel Santos / Musique originale : Fabrizio Cammarata / Costumes et éléments scénographiques : Silvia Salvaggio / Lumières : Andrea Narese, Virgilio Sieni / Masques : Chiara Occhini
Coproduction : Centro Nazionale di produzione della danza Virgilio Sieni, Fondazione Teatro Piemonte Europa, Fondazione Teatro Metastasio di Prato

avec le soutien de Istituto italiano di Cultura Bruxelles