What dances will emerge from the sudden realization that the hair on our head is the only part of our body that can move involuntarily? What pathways open up from this focal point, for a scrupulous exploration of the movements arising from this source ? Such is the painstaking investigation carried out by the Lithuanian choreographer Dovydas Strimaitis to create this solo performance. Sheathed in glossy black, his silhouette virtually vanishes, allowing the spotlight to fall on his long red hair. Hypnotic movements born from the top of his head trace circles and persistent forms all around him. After his time with the Ballet National de Marseille under the direction of (LA)HORDE, the choreographer and performer here presents his own variation on the theme of hairography, the form of dance that broadly entails rotations of the head and vigorous capillary movements.
Création 2022 / Création, chorégraphie, interprétation : Dovydas Strimaitis / Lumières : Lisa M. Barry / Musique : composition originale de Julijona Biveinytė, Bach Prélude de la Suite n°4 pour violoncelle joué par Yo-Yo Ma / Technicien : Povilas Laurinaitis
Coproduction : Conny Janssen Danst, Dansateliers