Pièce pour 6 danseur·euse·s

The bare space brings to mind a secluded living room, which you might find in a home in Tehran, the city where Sina Saberi grew up in the 1990s. Dressed in white, the choreographer begins a dance which uncoils, gradually bringing in other presences, female and male, to inhabit the stage alongside her. Drawing on his own memories, the choreographer and dancer, who currently lives in Germany, shares the elements that form the basis of a being, their personal foundations. Thus he opens up a space for contact between the private domain and the public eye, inviting us into a place where encounters and intimacies are developed and forged for a time, in an exchange of movements interwoven like short wordless dialogues. His dance examines and puts in perspective the way in which an existence is altered by the course of personal events, for worse and for better.





La Raffinerie

Création 2024 / Conception et interprétation : Sina Saberi, Jorge De Hoyos, Bita Bell + invités : Venetsiana Kalampaliki, Alexander Varehkine, Ava Jalali / Regard extérieur : Tanin Torabi / Accompagnement artistique : Claire Lefevre, Alireza Bahrami / Entrainement voix : Marie Sophie Richter / Son et média : Ali Phi / Lumières : Sebastian Solorzano / Dramaturgie : Niklaus Bein / Chargé de production : Sina Rundel / Costumes : Lea Theres Lahr-Thiele

Production : Sina Saberi / Coproduction : K3– Zentrum für Choreographie | Tanzplan Hamburg, Euro-scene Leipzig, BNM Ballet national de Marseille / Soutien : Fonds Darstellende Künste, HK Hamburgische Kulturstiftung

Une co-présentation Kaaitheater et Charleroi danse
Petite restauration tous les soirs de représentation